
My vampires for this weekend!

So, today let me talk to you about a band I personaly had already heard of but had never really gotten around to listening to.... Vampire Weekend!!!!!
How could I have not noticed these guys before??? I sure as hell don't know, but now that I found them I'm already starting to gather money to buy their two very awesome albums!!!
Okay, looking past my stupidness, let's talk about what really matters, the band and their music!
They're a indie rock band and got together in 2006, their manager is Ian Montone, don't know him??? he's the manager of The White Stripes! (Don't know them??? You better get on youtube and get updated or go google them up or something!!!)
The band is made up from 4 members-
  • Ezra Koenig – lead vocals, guitar
  • Rostam Batmanglij – producer, keyboards, guitar, backing vocals
  • Chris Tomson – drums, percussion, guitar
  • Chris Baio – bass guitar, backing vocals

They've released 2 albums up to now, one self named and the other called "CONTRA",
and had had 6 singles up to now, my personal favorites in term of music and musicvideo are "Oxford comma" and "giving up the gun", but anything I've heard or seen from them shouts awesome from every aspect! They're really what I like to think of when I wanna hear some good and fresh indie rock!

Just as fun facts, their most recent music videoclip had the following as gust stars:
Joe Jonas, RZA (of the Wu-Tang clan), Lil Jon and the great actor Jake Gyllenhaal known from movies as Donnie Darko, The day after tomorrow, Jarhead and even Broke Back mountain!
Go check them out cause that's all I can really tell you about them... Have fun!!!


A Dolce said...

Definitivamente uma boa selecção, nunca tinha ouvido mas são muito originais, sobretudo na elaboração dos videoclips, muito boa vide na música.

Boa selecção XD, sem surpresa aqui n é? ;)

Dopamine said...

fico feliz por saber k gostaste! :)