
It's all about recycling your containers!

So, today I'm going to talk about recycling shipping containers...or better yet, transforming them into some very awesome living and working spaces!!!!

But before I get to that, I woud like thank my dear friend dulci for showing the container houses to me and also for creating the wonderful template that I'm using on this blog!!! You should check out her work at: http://aiiron.deviantart.com/

Now back to todays theme, let's take a first look at the concept of the french architecture firm olgga architects for a student housing

Now you can't tell me that you wouldn't love housing in one of those as a student!!! Simply staking up old containers, giving them a bit of a renewal and "voila", you have yourself a perfect one person student dorm room!

Now I can still remember the ugly and uncomfortable containers I slept in during my time in the army, but when I look at this container-house I'd trade in my current giant family house for it anytime!!!!!

What I find specialy appealing about the whole container-house idea is that for starters, it's probably the cheapest way of getting a extremely resistant house of your own without having to spend the rest of your life paying it off, then we have the factor of it being something diferent... and anyone who knows me knows that I'm all for being diferent!!! But what I mainly like about this concept is the recycling factor of it. These containers have a usual life span of about 20 years, and after that??? they get stacked up and just start to rot away.... now in a couple of decades that'll come back and kick us in the butt if we don't think of inteligent way of recycling them, and if you ask me, this is a pretty stylish way of recycling...thumbs up for for nature friendly building!!!

Now, let's take a look at how shops and companies decided to use these construtions.
I really enjoyed seeing this simple yet effective puma store design made out of 24 containers.

Another shop that I found is the 85 foot high Friday Shop in Zurich made out of 17 containers, the container rycling fit specialy to this store because they sell eco-friendly items like messenger bags made from recycled tarps and tires.

For today I shall leave you with some more of these awesome container pics and with some links in case you want to learn more about container housing!

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